'Grey's Anatomy' - the show that never ends

After 19 Seasons, is it finally time to say farewell to 'Grey's Anatomy'?

Elžbieta Voverytė
28th November 2022
Image: IMDB

Let me preface this by saying that I was more than a decade late to the whole Grey’s Anatomy craze. And yet, now I’m in the same boat as every other Grey’s fan – still waiting to see how the whole story will wrap up years later. Although I haven’t been as loyal as others – I stopped watching the series back in Season 17.

Since the internet was flooded with pictures of Ellen Pompeo (finally) leaving the show, I’ve decided to dig into it although I have to be honest, couldn’t bring myself to actually watch the new season that aired on Disney+ just month ago, and here’s why.

There’s no discussion – Grey's should’ve ended ages ago

The main actors left a long time ago and frankly, I couldn’t care less about the new storylines. I’ve had more than a dozen seasons to get used to characters I both hate and adore and the new introduction of various romantic interests for Meredith, or young interns that can’t even compare to the original MAGIC, is just making me angry.

The only reason I kept watching until Season 17 was to see Jesse Williams and Sarah Drew bring back my favorite couple back on the screen after undeserved split Shonda Rhimes so cruelly threw at Japril fans. And after they got their happily ever after, I stopped. Didn’t even finish the season because it was just so dull.

Image: IMDB

Judging by the synopsis and its trailer, the final episode of Season 19 ‘Thunderstorm’ sounds like an exact replica of Season 9 ‘Perfect Storm’ - if I can remember it, having watched the series just once, the devoted fans can too. Even comparing it to the other finales, a major accident and one of their own being critically injured after their best friend at the hospital tried to reach them all morning and didn’t hear back? Yeah, been there, done that.

There’s no discussion – Grey's should’ve ended ages ago. It’s become repetitive, the characters have little to no development and most episodes feel like a checklist for PC content. I loved how Grey’s used to acknowledge current issues in their previous seasons (e.g., the infamous ‘Silent all these years’ episode with the hallway scene), however, now, most of it feels forced.

I stopped watching the series back in Season 17

But don’t take my word for it. Instead take US viewership numbers over the years – they started to gradually decrease after Season 10 (12.12m) and now it has dropped as low as 6.42 million in Season 18. The newest season is expected to gain even less views. While these might still feel like big numbers, they’re significantly lower in comparison (the first three seasons had around 19 million viewers).

Although I spent most of this piece arguing that Grey’s should be stopped, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a great show – in fact, the opposite. I binged the first 10 seasons during the lockdown, cried and cried at all the deaths, departures and heartwarming moments. After all, no other fandom has lost as many beloved characters in such unexpected and cruel ways as Grey’s. Even so, knowing when to end a series is just an important as the storyline itself and the directors of Grey’s Anatomy have failed at this.

Best of luck to the most persevering fans – hope the fruit of your bitter patience will be tasty. I, however, will not be joining you.

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