High School Musical: The Musical: Series 2 will be Beauty and the Beast

James Troughton reacts to the surprise news that HSM:TM:TS's second season won't be a rendition of HSM2, but instead, Beauty and the Beast

James Troughton
9th February 2020
Credit: DisneyChannelVEVO, Youtube
Fans of High School Musical: The Aboxiously Long Title may now rejoice as it has been renewed for a second series that will release late 2020. You may be thinking, "Oh joy, a pseudo-remake of High School Musical 2," but you'd be mistaken for the cast will be re-enacting Beauty and the Beast.

So, our ensemble of high school stereotypes began as High School Musical fans but what will actually follow that debut launch is essentially Glee: The Disney Version. As the IP is owned by Disney, it makes sense that they would utilise other IPs in their arsenal, starting with a classic animated film. Perhaps, going forward, we'll even see Avengers: The Musical or Pulp Fiction: The Musical.

Let's face it, the show up until point has been pretty ridiculous anyhow.

The issue is that fans were excited about remakes of the classic songs such as 'Fabulous' but perhaps they'll incorporate these musical numbers into Beauty and the Beast because, let's face it, the show up until point has been pretty ridiculous anyhow. For us UK viewers, there's currently no way to access the first season with it being locked to the Disney+ streaming service, which hasn't launched yet here. It will do in March.

Nonetheless, by the time the second season rolls out, Disney+ will be available in Britain, meaning that you could binge the first (if you hate yourself) over the weekend before delving right into its sequel.

Credit: DisneyChannelVEVO, Youtube

Beyond that, there's not a whole lot of news, just speculation, and discussion, seeing as there's no word on new cast members or just how they will go about re-enacting Beauty and the Beast. Who will play the tea-pot?

With that being said, what are you looking forward to in the second season? What did you think of the first? Let us know in the comments below!

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