The Middle is back, premiering its 7th series. The Heck’s are your typical everyday working-class family living in the Midwestern state of Indiana, America. The show follows Frankie Heck, portrayed by Everybody Loves Raymond star, Patricia Heaton and Mike Heck, played by Neil Flynn who is best known for his role as ‘The Janitor’ on TV sitcom, Scrubs. Together with their three kids, lazy and cynical Axl (Charlie McDermott), adorkable teenager Sue (Eden Sher) and intelligent, although quirky Brick (Atticus Shaffer), they deal with the day to day struggles of family life.
Last series was ‘The year of Sue’ as we followed Sue through her final year of high school, attempting to reach that all familiar goal of a lasting high school legacy, as well as balancing a part-time job in order to save up enough money to go to college. Meanwhile, both Axl and Brick found themselves in romantic relationships. The new series promises to deliver on big laughs and a lot of heart as Axl gets serious with girlfriend, Devin (Gia Mantegna), Brick tries to survive his last year of Middle school and Sue is off to college. On the biggest day of Sue Heck’s life- a socially awkward disaster prone teenager- what could possibly go wrong?
Emmy nominated and winner of Gracie Award in 2011 for Outstanding Comedy series, The Middle is truly an undiscovered gem. If you like Modern Family, then you are bound to enjoy The Middle, a more representative portrayal of the average family. It is one of the best and most realistic family comedies around, dealing with the common hardships of financial troubles, college life and teenage relationships.
Comedy Central, Tuesday 27 October, 9pm