Not waking up at the time you meant to can completely mess up the rest of your day, having a knock on effect on what you can achieve. Although waking up early would be a bonus, simply setting a time to wake-up at and sticking to it so you don’t suddenly lose an hour you were counting on, will keep you feeling organised.
Eating at regular times will keep yourself fuelled and active. Maybe make a plan for what you’re going to cook/eat during a busy week of deadlines to remove the stress of having to think about it. Also, stock up on your favourite snacks and keep them close by, so that if you feel you can’t tear yourself away from your screen to get some food, there’s already some within arms reach.
make a plan for what you’re going to cook/eat during a busy week of deadlines to remove the stress of having to think about it
Don’t let yourself get stuck in the rut of revenge scrolling and chatting with housemates, staying up half the night in order to get back the time of fun and escape that you sacrificed for work. All this will do is set you back the next day. Feeling physically tired is never going to help with those last minute checks on your diss! Instead, try to factor in times to have fun so that you don’t feel cheated by the time bedtime rolls around.