Unfortunately I can say that I've been in this position before. A couple years back I fell out with some people who I considered to be friends at the time. I'll be honest, it hit me pretty hard and I didn't have any kind of way to cope. Having now lived through it, I'm going to give you my top tips on how to make yourself feel better if this happens to you.
1. Remember it's probably not your fault
One thing that plagued my mind is how I blamed myself for all of it. I was upset for weeks, thinking that I'd never have another friend again. However, when I was feeling like this, my dad told me his mantra 'People's actions are based on them, not you.' I now live by this quote, and whenever I overthink about friends, it calms me down.
2. Reach out
This doesn't mean reach out to your friends. Whatever the case, they decided to ghost you for a reason. Don't stoke the fire. My tip is that you should reach out to family and other friends for some emotional support.
3. Distract yourself
One of the things I did was throw myself into university work and assessments. That, combined with a lot of Netflix and long walks cleared my mind and helped me forget what happened.
4. Stay off socials
There's nothing worse than seeing former friends on social media having a good time when you wish you were there yourself. FOMO is never a good thing, and it never makes you feel better.
5. Wait it out
You never know, with the magic of the universe you might end up being friends again. In my case, I'm happy to report that I made up with the friends I lost and couldn't be happier.
6. Accept your healing
When things like this happen, it's inevitable that you're going to feel wounded for a pretty long time. Don't feel bad for being sad!
These are the best tips I can give for being ghosted. If you're going through it or it's just happened to you, I know how you feel. It's a rough thing to go through but I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel.