How to eat healthy during a lockdown

Rachel Makinson discusses how to continue being healthy during this pandemic

Rachel Makinson
14th April 2020
Image: Jason Briscoe (unsplash)
How do you eat healthily during a pandemic? You’re probably bored and want to devour everything in the kitchen, and the last time you went to the supermarket the only thing left on the shelves was probably easter eggs and birthday cakes. Not exclusively eating junk feels pretty hard right now, but it’s really important to maintain good health, especially so with the NHS already struggling. 

Fill up your fridge and cupboards with good food (but don’t panic buy)

Food shopping these past few weeks has been a literal nightmare. Nobody, regardless of their culinary skills, is going to be able to make a nutritious meal out of birthday cake, hawaiian pizza and clam chowder. Cooking has been hard lately, but it seems that people are slowly realising that panic buying is actually really selfish, and supermarkets have started to impose limits on the number of items people can take away with them, making food shopping a lot easier now than it was a few weeks ago. Hopefully, this means you’ll actually be able to fill up your fridge and cupboards (without hoarding) with plenty of healthy, nutritious ingredients that you can make delicious meals from. 

Plan or prep meals ahead of time

When you’re spending all day at home, it can be really hard not to constantly snack on literally everything if you’re not a motivated person. But, planning out your meals, or prepping them ahead of time, can help you to make healthier choices when you get hungry, and can help prevent you from eating stuff at random. 

Find recipe inspiration online

Places like BBC Good Food, Jamie Oliver’s website, and Youtube are really great for finding recipe inspiration, no matter what ingredients you have kicking about in the kitchen and regardless of how good at cooking you actually are. BBC Good Food especially has loads of really easy recipes and simple meal ideas. 

Take supplements

Considering we’re in a pandemic right now, it’s okay if every so often you eat a fatty, basically zero-nutrition meal just because it’s going to make you feel better. But, if you’re letting your nutrition slip now and again, you should maybe consider taking a multivitamin/ mineral supplement to prevent you from becoming deficient in anything. Maintaining the correct vitamin and mineral levels in your body is important for your immune system, your general well-being and also your mental health. 

Ultimately, healthy eating in a pandemic probably isn’t always going to be the easiest. It’s totally fine to have days when you just completely indulge in some much-needed junk food, but you should also definitely try to not make that a habit. Try your best to have a well-balanced diet, take supplements, take walks and do home workout sessions, and remember to take really good care of your mental health too. 

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