How to skip the 'ick'

Let’s set this straight, if you truly love someone, the ‘ick’ is not going to apply to them...

Amy Mescus
12th March 2024
Image credit: Pexels, Pavel Danilyuk
I am pretty sure that by now we have all seen that random account on TikTok with its extensive list of 'icks'. But do these really apply in a relationship?

To be honest, I think it depends on what stage your relationship with someone is at. If you’re just a few weeks or months deep into dating, then okay, maybe walking downhill(?) can be a slight turn-off. Don’t shoot the messenger, that’s just an 'ick' I’ve seen floating around. But let’s be real, we all look absolutely ridiculous walking downhill. Is there even a normal-looking way to do it?

Truthfully, I am a firm believer in the fact that 'icks' are not real, and if you get the 'ick’ you just didn’t really like them in the first place, did you? I feel as though it’s a case of you kind of wanting to get out of the relationship and so you’re waiting for that one ever so slightly cringe moment to happen and then, boom. You’ve got the 'ick'. Free breakup pass.

Surely one vaguely awkward scenario isn’t going to ruin a love you’ve spent time and effort establishing.

But hear me out, what if you genuinely love the person? What if you actually envision a future with them? Surely one vaguely awkward scenario isn’t going to ruin a love you’ve spent time and effort establishing. The way I see it, when your partner does something that can be determined as an 'ick', it can even be quite endearing, believe it or not. 

If you’re getting the 'ick' in a relationship, you’re probably with the wrong person.

I understand a lot of it is just light-hearted fun and a lot of these 'icks' just started as a joke. However, I think that what I’m trying to get at here is that if you’re getting the 'ick' in a relationship, you’re probably with the wrong person. Or maybe you’re the problem… because some of these 'icks' are so obscure. Why are “eating Skittles” and "being in a car crash" supposed 'icks' to some people?

AUTHOR: Amy Mescus
Gaming Sub-Editor | Media and Journalism Society Secretary

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