If society and money didn't exist how would you change the way you live your life?

Rachel Lee tells us what she would do if money and societal prejudice was to disappear.

Rachel Lee
5th April 2021
We all recognise the dreary depictions of modern life as a blind march through one work shift to the next. Yes, it’s an unrealistically pessimistic view of the world, but the first thing I would do if money wasn’t an object and society’s decision about the job you take didn’t matter is adjust my career paths to pursue something generally fulfilling.

For me it would be working outside in the sun as far away from a city as possible. But it is different for anyone. Money isn’t the only reason people are employed; it provides a sense of purpose, achievement, belonging, and progress, so I wouldn’t immediately jet off to a villa somewhere and never come back. When money is brought in, we lose sight of what we come home to at the end of the working day. If I wasn’t working for money, I’d have more fun simply because there’s not an agenda. So as a standard answer, I’d do what I want instead of what I need.

We know things will be out of fashion eventually, but we still carry on wringing out our bank accounts to get hold of the things that aren’t yet past that point

The other cliché is to be able to walk around wearing whatever I want. It sounds lavish, but it would probably consist of joggers and a jumper 7 days a week. Consumerism has us all in a different type of blind march. We know things will be out of fashion eventually, but we still carry on wringing out our bank accounts to get hold of the things that aren’t yet past that point. The concept of fashion isn’t a new one, but I’d love for it not to exist for a moment so people look inside, a little deeper than Polyester.

My biggest plan would be to travel all over the world. If expectations don’t matter then it would be easy to fit into any culture, and afford the security necessary to feel comfortable anywhere. As a plus, you wouldn’t be judged for galivanting around, not settling down to a ‘sensible’ job (AKA you won’t get a dressing down by your grandparents at the next family gathering).

Feature image credit: @ZigmarsBerzins

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