Innovation Centre turned into Nightingale Hospital

Hattie Metcalfe reports on the conversion of the University's new facility in Sunderland into a Nightingale Hospital

Harriet Metcalfe
26th April 2020
Newcastle University's Driving the Electric Revolution Centre, North East facility, within the Innovation Centre in Sunderland, will be repurposed into a 450-bed hospital to treat those seriously ill with coronavirus.

Rachel Chambers, Chief Operating Officer of the Centre said: "At a time of unprecedented challenges people need to be flexible in their approach and everyone needs to pull together.

"Driving the Electric Revolution Centre, North East, is proud that the Government has decided to convert the Innovation Centre into a Nightingale Hospital for the region and applaud the efforts of all those involved.

"This large new building, owned by Sunderland City Council, is perfectly suited to supporting this national effort and providing the additional capacity to the region's NHS hospitals during these times."

The University will continue to invest in the Centre.

Councillor Graeme Miller said: "We hope that the facility will not be needed - and that the region's hospitals are able to meet demand, following the social distancing measures put in place last month, but it is reassuring that it is there to support and relieve the region's existing NHS facilities in the event that is needed."

You can read the full statement from Newcastle University here.

AUTHOR: Harriet Metcalfe
English Literature BA student. Loves film, TV, books and coffee. Thinks "Thor: The Dark World" gets too much hate. Twitter: @hattiemetcalfe

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