Intimacy takes patience

Building intimacy won't be immediate, it takes time and communication

16th February 2023
I used to hear someone say that “the best love should reveal the best version of ourselves.” 

Communication is the most crucial skill that builds intimacy between couples. When we are in a relationship, there is a period that we are trying to understand each other, such as each other’s habits and personalities, and we should learn to respect each other and set boundaries. To understand that everyone comes from different backgrounds and families, they will also bring their knowledge to this relationship. We should never ask our partners to change their personalities to cater to our preference, just to make ourselves feel more comfortable. Otherwise, we are not falling in love with the person, we are creating the ideal partner, and this will never last. 

We may expose our vulnerability in front of our partners during these conversations and some people may feel uncomfortable to express their feelings, but this is all a part of building intimacy and trust. Arguments and fights are important ways to communicate as well, as these are natural and emotional and both partners need to be mature and work together to come to an understanding.

The more we understand our partners, the more intimacy we build in the relationship

Through the time passed, the more we understand our partners, the more intimacy we build in the relationship. We will accept the flaws of our partners and maybe some flaws just make us love our partners more, making the relationship more personal and special.

For some people it can be harder to reveal vulnerability in front of someone. If we can’t reveal this side of us now, you and your partner will have to be patient and get to know each other deeper and wait to build more trust and intimacy. Then naturally, it will become easier and more comfortable to be vulnerable.

As you understand each other’s feeling more you will appreciate them going out of their comfort zone to try and get closer to you and make you happy, which are giant steps for building intimacy and appreciation of one another in a relationship.

Communication has always been the way to solve problems. Building a good communication ability is the key to lead to building intimacy and a long-lasting relationship. So, let’s talk!

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