Is the metro a reliable mode of transport?

Is it better for students to use the metro or bring their own car to uni?

Avika Sharma
2nd April 2024
Image Source: Queen Barenziah, Wikimedia Commons
There are definitely times where I wish I could drive myself around the North East instead of having to rely on the metro.

Many people I know bring their car to uni, and it definitely does make a difference. Thanks to delays in the metro timetable, or the metro just not running altogether on certain weekends, getting around without a car has become somewhat of a hassle.

Instead of hauling massive bags of shopping around, having to wait for ages in delays, or spending half of your day on public transport, having a car means you can get to your destination in the blink of an eye without having to carry everything around. Also, you can carshare with your friends, saving everyone time and money and allowing for group trips to become a lot easier without the struggles of rushing to get the metro on time.

"Everyone I know who visits Newcastle mentions how much they love the metro here..."

That being said, I wouldn't advocate for students to use a car over the metro. I don't have a car, and a major reason for that is I just don't need to be able to drive at uni. Yes, the metro is frequently delayed and can be a pain to wait for if you've missed it, but it's still a very convenient mode of transport. Everyone I know who visits Newcastle mentions how much they love the metro here, as it is a quick and handy way to get around the city without having to pay an extortionate amount on fuel, or spend time trying to find a parking spot. Whether it's commuting to uni or spending a day at the beach, it is so easy to get from place to place on the metro.

"I don't have a car, and a major reason for that is I just don't need to be able to drive at uni."

Plus, getting the metro is definitely better for the environment. Using the metro over a car heavily reduces CO2 emissions. Especially considering the fact that the majority of students live relatively close to uni, it is definitely less of a hassle getting the metro to uni rather than trying to navigate the busy roads, especially during rush hour.

A car is convenient for some people, and I understand that, but I will always choose using the metro over the expenses and pollution of using a car at uni. Since the metro is here and runs all over Newcastle, we may as well make use of it!

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