Is this really the Brexit election?

Lilla Marshall discusses if the climate around Brexit is the only climate that matters.

Lilla Marshall
25th November 2019
Labour has reported Sky News to Ofcom, claiming that their dubbing of the upcoming general election as "the Brexit Election" gives weight to the "political agenda of the Conservatives". In their complaint, the party wrote "Voters might consider it to be The NHS Election, The Climate Election or The Foodbanks Election, depending on their priorities."

Ipsos MORI, a British market research company, has reported that Brexit has been the first topic on most people's minds. 55% of people polled said that Brexit would be an important thing to help them consider who to vote for. In a close second, 54% said healthcare and the NHS would be on their minds. Despite the rise of the Extinction Rebellion, only 27% said that the environment and the response to climate change would be something they would consider when voting - putting it in 5th place, behind crime and care for the elderly, but ahead of the economy and immigration.

Despite the pressing issues of climate change and the rise of figureheads such as Greta Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion, climate change does not seem to be on the public's minds, this election. According to YouGov, 54% of Brits opposed the actions of the Extinction Rebellion in London, compared to the 36% who supported them (10% didn't know). Interestingly, 73% of Leave voters opposed their actions, compared to 38% of Remain voters.

With experts concerned that it might already be too late to stop climate change, are we dropping the ball by not prioritising climate change further as a nation? No manifestos have been released yet - although Labour passed a policy at a conference aiming for zero carbon emissions by 2030, with the Conservatives committed to the goal of 2050.

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