It might be summer, but I'll be inside watching...

Rebecca Sykes and Leah Graham talk about the shows they want to watch- even if the sun will be shining

multiple writers
25th May 2021
Credit: IMDb, Jonathan Hession/NETFLIX © 2020
What TV show do you want to watch after exam season? Our writers discuss how they're going to spend their summer.

Grace and Frankie

Irresistible. Gorgeous. Hilarious. Heart-breaking. Exciting. Of course, I’m talking about the Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin award-winning TV comedy that my friend was trying to get me to watch for years- Grace and Frankie.

Grace and Frankie form an unlikely pair as they’re forced to live together

With seasons 1-6 available on Netflix, I’ll definitely be continuing to watch the 30-minute comedy through summer. It’s hard to summarise what exactly happens in Grace and Frankie (2015-), as parts will having you laughing, and a minute later, you’ll be crying.

Grace (Jane Fonda) and Frankie (Lily Tomlin) are two completely different 70-year-old women whose lives turn upside down when their husbands Robert (Martin Sheen) and Sol (Sam Waterston) announce they’re in love with each other and going to marry. A massive, yet well-meaning shock, with ramifications changing the dynamics of family and friendships. Quickly, Grace and Frankie form an unlikely pair as they’re forced to live together, even though Grace’s sarcastic, retired cosmetics mogul and Frankie’s eccentric art teacher have never gotten along in decades of knowing each other. The same isn’t to be said for veteran actors Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as their decades long friendship inspires a wonderful chemistry and outstanding comic timing.

Rebecca Sykes

Never Have I Ever and Fate: The Winx Saga

As summer approaches, two shows have been stuck in my watch list.

Delving into the glossy Never Have I Ever looks like a good place to start, though the trailer makes the show seem like a rollercoaster of emotions in itself.

The appeal of childhood nostalgia is strong and the show has made its way to my watch list

With the show being a year old, I feel like I missed the boat with this one, but I still have high hopes. The inclusion of different cultures, representation of the LGBTQ+ community and portrayals of grief are important topics to tackle. If the show can hold its weight, I’ve saved a space for it in my favourites.   

However, a show that I don’t have high expectations for is Fate: The Winx Saga. Like most 2000s girls, I didn’t escape the mania that was the Winx Club. Now over fifteen years later when I heard Netflix was making a live-action version, I was intrigued.

Despite most reviews I’ve seen being less-than-favourable, the appeal of childhood nostalgia is strong and the show has made its way to my watch list. I don’t even mind if it’s had the Riverdale treatment and become a trendy and glossy teen drama, let’s see if it’s worth my childhood indulgence.

Leah Graham

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