It takes two to tango

The first date’s gone really well, but how do you wow them on the second? Emily Wilkinson has some ideas

12th December 2016

So you survived the awkward small talk of the first date, and now you have to step up your game and come up with something even more impressive. You could play it safe with the traditional dinner, cinema or bowling trip, or you could take your date somewhere a little more out of the box. Hopefully you actually paid attention the first time around, and there’s a hobby or activity you and your date both mutually enjoy or fancy giving a go together. Dating experts actually suggest skipping the restaurant and bar scene and having a go at something a little more active and original. This not only demonstrates an amount of effort and thought (which your date will greatly appreciate as it shows that you actually care about them), but equally allows you to discover a side to your date that may not necessarily have been established over a three-course meal. So here are a few different ideas that will hopefully test your compatibility and really get sparks flying:

You’re lucky enough to have timed dating this lucky lad/lass at one of the most notoriously romantic months of the year which has loads of cute couple activities you can have a try at. Why don’t you head down to the ice rink by the life centre, and follow this up with some mulled wine or hot chocolate. Alternatively, you could take your date on a trip to the Christmas markets, either in town, or further afield, perhaps in Edinburgh, or by the beach in Tynemouth. If money is tight, and you would much rather stay in and avoid the cold, you could have a go at cooking together; this could be as simple as dinner, or as adventurous as Christmas goodies or your own milkshakes or cocktails. You could follow this up with session of all your favourite films- festive or otherwise.

"You’re lucky enough to have timed dating this lucky lad/lass at one of the most notoriously romantic months of the year which has loads of cute couple activities you can have a try at"

If you’re a bit of a scrooge and this doesn’t appeal to you, you could have a look at the ‘Give it a Go’ page on the Newcastle University Student Union website. This has loads of fun ideas that you may not necessarily know that Newcastle has to offer. These range from Battlezone lazer and paintballing, to escape rooms and extreme trampolining, whilst Eldon Leisure has a rock climbing wall.

If you and your date have a shared love of culture and you want to get the conversation really flowing, you could take a trip to one of Newcastle’s many art galleries. There’s the Hatton Gallery on campus, the Baltic Centre down by quayside, or you could have a look round the contemporary exhibitions at The Biscuit Factory. Perhaps you fancy a night out to the comedy club, or a trip to the theatre.

"There are loads of cute places to go for a walk and a chat around Newcastle, for example down by the quayside,  along the beach in Tynemouth, or around Jesmond Dene, just to name a few"

Alternatively, you could go for something a little more quiet and conventional. There are loads of cute places to go for a walk and a chat around Newcastle, for example down by the quayside,  along the beach in Tynemouth, or around Jesmond Dene, just to name a few. All that walking will definitely work up a thirst; perhaps you could then go for coffee and cake at Quilliams, Blakes, Olive and Bean or Kappa Coffee (all very cute, tried, tested and definitely recommended). Alternatively, if you’re fancying something a little stronger, you could go for cocktails at Jalou, the Botanist, or Mr. Lynches, or perhaps a trip down Osborne Road, as many of these bars have open mic nights which create the perfect setting for romance to blossom.

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