It tastes better than it sounds: Sweet Potato, Feta and Egg Mush

This budget-friendly recipe is sure to warm you up on an autumnal day!

Ruby Taylor
5th December 2022
Image credit Instagram @dirtydandoesdishes


A bag of sweet potatoes

Olive oil

A punnet of cherry tomatoes

A bag of spinach

A handful of fresh basil

A generous dollop of pesto

Two big tablespoons of creme fraiche

Crushed chilis

Salt and pepper

A block of Greek-style cheese (or feta if you're feeling posh)

However many eggs you want


  1. Preheat the oven to around 200 degrees celsius. Whilst it's heating up, chop the sweet potatoes into small 1cm cubes. I think they taste best with the skin left on!
  2. Put the sweet potatoes on a baking tray. Coat with (probably way too much) olive oil (the more, the tastier) and lots of salt and pepper. Make sure the sweet potatoes are fully covered in oil by tossing them with your hands.
  3. Wash your oily mitts, then put the sweet potatoes in the oven until they are gooey and soft. This will take about 20-30 minutes but keep checking them and tossing them so they don't burn.
  4. Whilst your sweet potatoes cook, chop your cherry tomatoes in half. Fry them with another generous helping of olive oil.
  5. Roughly chop your spinach and fresh basil whilst the tomatoes fry for about 10 minutes. Squish the tomatoes up with the end of a spoon, or any other squishing utensil you might find, then add the spinach and basil. You might have to add it a bit at a time so the leaves can reduce.
  6. Hopefully your sweet potatoes will be done at exactly the same time as your tomatoes and spinach, but we all know that won't happen. Have a taste of a sweet potato - because they'll be gooey and delicious! Get a large oven dish and chuck in your sweet potato, tomato and spinach mix along with the pesto and creme fraiche. Stir it all up.
  7. Make wells for the eggs on top of the mixture, then crack them into them. Put in the oven until you can see the egg is nearly fully cooked. If you can't be bothered waiting ages for the egg, you can also fry them on the side instead.
  8. Crumble the feta onto the top, along with a sprinkling of crushed chilies, to taste. Put it back in the oven for about 10 minutes.
  9. Finally, think of a better name than "mush" to call this recipe, and enjoy!
AUTHOR: Ruby Taylor
Sub-editor for Arts. First year English Literature and Creative Writing student.

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