Laughing your Com-Socs off

October 2nd saw the fresher’s showcase of Newcastle Comedy Society in a three-part show of stand-up, sketch and improvised comedy. The show was performed in a packed-out room in the Trent House Pub starting with the Improv comedy. Compered by the brilliant William Bean who engaged with the crowd well and kept the room entertained […]

Patrick Harland
16th October 2019

October 2nd saw the fresher’s showcase of Newcastle Comedy Society in a three-part show of stand-up, sketch and improvised comedy.

The show was performed in a packed-out room in the Trent House Pub starting with the Improv comedy. Compered by the brilliant William Bean who engaged with the crowd well and kept the room entertained between the acts allowed for the group headed by Neve Francis and Alex Battersby who took audience suggestions and using their wit crafted them into hilarious scenes that got good reaction from the crowd. The idea behind improv comedy is to be able to think on your feet quickly and draw laughs not necessarily from pointed jokes but instead funny situations this didn’t stop the performers being quick enough to get in some not so subtle wordplay a testament to their ability.

This was followed up by the sketch section of the show a style of comedy aimed at wordplay and the punchline to deliver the laughs in short scenes. Using a variety of different sketches with the Bus sketch and the Good cop bad cop and the James Bond sketch performance being the outstanding pieces that showed the excellence of Kit Giroux, Miles Ogden and Tomo Clarkson’s acting each of them hitting the perfect timing and tone with their lines delivering the jokes perfectly.

"Each of the acts brought lots of energy and enthusiasm to the stage and gave a lovely ending, finishing a very entertaining night strongly."

The third of the triad of laughs was the highly anticipated stand-up section featuring performers who often perform at the Stand Comedy Club in Newcastle with excellent performances from Joe Molander, Joey Abels and Bertie Mitford that gave enjoyable performances with acts ranging from humorous personal stories to joke character acts. Each of the acts brought lots of energy and enthusiasm to the stage and gave a lovely ending, finishing a very entertaining night strongly.

"An incredibly fun show by what looks to be an incredibly fun society."

The comedy society put on three sessions a week teaching skills from the three forms that they performed at the showcase. Each of these sessions are no-pressure sessions for people of all skills who want to learn, broaden their skills and develop their confidence or even just watch around a group of like-minded people who just enjoy laughing! An incredibly fun show by what looks to be an incredibly fun society.

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AUTHOR: Patrick Harland
Medicinal Chemistry graduate, Environmental Engineering MSc student. Science editor for The Courier 2019-2020.

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