Let's Talk About Sex Baby: NUSU'S sex positivity campaign

A reflection on the sex positivity campaign pioneered by NUSU!

Libby Griffiths
13th February 2023
Image Credit: NUSU Website
The SU introduced their ‘Let’s Talk About Sex Baby!’ campaign after the President’s manifesto promoting sex-positivity, and let’s say, it’s banging! (Pun intended.)

In November, a few friends and I went to the Drag Bingo event. And, wow. It was so exciting watching all the twerk-offs, moaning competitions, and my best friend on the stage bent over by Drag Soc’s Costa Fortune. Everything was iconic, horny, and most of all - normalised, inclusive and fun!

Where are the lessons on pleasure, pain, and the promotion of safe sex instead of shameful stigmas? 

Maybe this is a unique experience, although I’d be surprised if it was, but sex education in schooling environments is extremely limited. Even then, all we are taught is basic anatomy. “Here is a penis, here is a vagina, this is a period, this is ejaculation.” Where are the lessons on pleasure, pain, and the promotion of safe sex instead of shameful stigmas? 

Well, it seems like the SU took on that responsibility with this campaign, and I am all here for it. A long overdue elimination of sex as a taboo subject, with a full ‘Let’s Talk’ page on NUSU’s website. Talking topics like the importance of sexual-health testing, what sex positivity is and is not, and various conversations on different types of sex and sexual engagement. 

All of which I saw demonstrated at the Drag Bingo, and I assume the Burlesque Beginner’s class (which unfortunately I did not attend, despite knowing the entire soundtrack.) Nothing says sex-positivity like giving away prizes of vibrators and dildos, huge props to the SU for doing us all a huge favour. And putting on a great show with Drag Soc! 

I hope to see more of these events are campaigns from the SU, who knows what’s next. More Burlesque and Drag Soc events, please?!

AUTHOR: Libby Griffiths
Campus Comment Sub-Editor | Journalism Student

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