Livin La Vida Local: Week 1

Music Editor Dominique Daly has thrown together Local Music Starter pack to give you the low on Newcastle’s music scene

Dominique Daly
18th November 2015

When arriving in Newcastle, a city which benefits greatly from such a wealth of local musical talent, it can be hard not to get overwhelmed and as a result avoid the scene all together, opting instead for a few too many rounds perched in the sinners cage. Here are FOUR of the best bands from the North East which will make your time at University glow, like THINKTANK’s ‘what the fuck have you done?’ sign.


Lilliput are a Sunderland based band, but don’t let that put you off. Their debut EP ‘Where does the time go’ released in 2013 was not only a carefully crafted and intricate piece of work which was beautifully produced, it also flowed in its entirety in live performance. A feat which requires masterful musicianship and perfect timings, all of which Lilliput have achieved. Personally, I am a real sucker for a harmony and Lilliput have harmony by the bucketful, the 6 piece band all of which sing to produce a brilliantly blended overall sound. Their new material sees them steer in a slightly different direction however, the multitude of influences from The Beatles, The Hollies, The Beach Boys and many more remain ever present in what promises to be more perfect pop/rock.


Big fan of infectious indie pop that will have even the most dedicated deep house fan forgetting themselves and dancing like Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bell Air? Lisbon are the boys for you then! Recently gracing the stage at Newcastle University’s very own Freshtival, they have been making serious waves with their debut EP Life is Good. Their songs are simplistic, feel good pop with catchy hooks and bouncing guitars.

Coquin Migale

If it’s something a little bit more complex you crave but still firmly situated in the realms of indie, then the Northumbria University formed four piece Coquin Migale are right up your street. Starting out in 2013, the boys have released an onslaught of impressive track, after impressive track. Known for their guitar driven, math rock style which has brought them high acclaim with singles like ‘GOLD’, Coquin Migale have set their sights high: gaining attention from the likes of NME and Radio one early in their careers. Newest track ‘LUV’, set to be released on November 20th is a return to form for the lads. Starting out with a haunting air which makes way for blasts of distortion heavy wailing guitar and Alex Soper’s intoxicating vocal, which draws you in to Coquin Migale’s dream-like world. Music tinged with shoe-gaze that doesn’t scrimp on hooks either.

Yellow Creatures

What would a Newcastle local music starter pack be without a heavy helping of psychedelic garage rock? A genre which is gaining greater momentum on the scene, following on from the resounding success of bands like SLUG, who have the backing of BBC Radio 6 Music. Yellow Creatures are making some of the most interesting music around Newcastle at the minute. The four piece released their current single ‘Calendar Man’ in September, and are currently working on their third EP, which is set to be a psychedelic dream if tracks like ‘The Box’ are anything to go by. Check them out if you like your music to be both fascinating and a little bit unsettling.

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