Lucky Punks’ is not a quite a household name but it wont be long until their LP is slotted in to every indie kid’s vinyl collection. After their recent gig at ThinkTank supporting MONEY, I chatted to drummer Pizey who was still high…off the post gig buzz of course.
There’s no denying that the level of talent is incredibly high across the North East but Lucky Punks’ sound has a little something that makes them distinct. Addictive beats, infectious lyrics and hooking guitar riffs that tessellate around each other seem to make for a delectable selection of tracks. It seems as though the boys are all too aware of their rapidly increasing popularity.
The trio, who met at school and officially formed at university; have developed a sound which makes nods to the likes of The Kinks and Gorillaz whilst featuring Albarn-esque lyrics. Careful not to copy what’s already out there however, Lucky Punks have paved their own pathway in the industry through the use of strong vocals and innovative layering of instruments. Their lyrics contain witticisms and anecdotes that play on common scenarios that we can all relate to. The song that perhaps intrigues me the most is ‘My Friend Sam’, which is apparently about a transgender friend of the band. It tackles an everyday scenario in a refreshingly light-hearted way without shying away from a controversial concept.
S: Okay so let’s start with the basic stuff… how would you describe Lucky Punks’ sound and where do you get your influences from?
P: New Wave, very poppy at the moment, kind of like 80s pop. We’re kind of going for Duran Duran. We’ve all got very different interests though; Tom loves Led Zepplin as I’m sure you’ll probably know…Ross is obviously very varied, I like Brit-pop stuff. But yeah, mainly poppy.
S: And you’ve just released a new song - ‘Sleeping Dogs’ right? How’s the reception to that been?
P: Really good actually! We’ve sent tracks out to people before not got much of a response but for this one we did. At the after party for the gig people were singing our songs, which was really cool for us.
S: What’s Newcastle like for an up and coming band?
P: At first I didn’t think the scene in Newcastle is that good, but then I tapped into the indie scene. It’s fairly strong as well, there’s quite a few decent bands.
S: Yeah there are so many local bands, do you find there’s a lot of competition?
P: Yeah, there is. Although…it’s very obvious when someone’s not too good…not naming any names
S: What kind of cheese would you say you guys are and why?
P: I’m gonna go for a baked camembert.
S: If you could create your dream festival, who would the three headliners be?
P: Well for Tom obviously Led Zeppelin. I’d love to see the Stones, maybe the Beatles; but they have so many tunes they’d never be able to please everyone. It’s a difficult one. Maybe Oasis actually, but from 1994.
Serena Bhardwaj