I don’t know about you, but I always feel better with a sun-kissed glow all year round, who doesn’t want a gentle and alluring golden glow in the face of grey skies and bleak weather? A tan not only lifts your complexion but also makes you look healthy during the wintertime. It’s always amazing to see how long it can take to work on the perfect tan, but how quickly you can lose it! When climate changes, so does our skin texture, which is why faking it comes with a whole new set of self-tanning rules to survive the winter months.
Here are a few golden rules for you to help maintain your winter tan: Firstly, try to avoid exfoliating your skin. A main reason that your tan fades is because you are constantly shedding skin before tanning, you might feel regular skin exfoliation is good, when in fact, this will sure-ly shorten the time of your tan as it won’t allow your tan layers to be able to hold on to the colour stably. The more you scrub and remove the top layers from your skin, the quicker your tan is going to lose its darkness es-pecially in the winter. Secondly, fully hydrate your skin as much as you can. In the winter, your skin tends to suffer with dryness and dehydration, however if you moisturize your skin regularly, your skin will stay healthy and keep the colour for longer.
Thirdly, re-consider your tanning product. It’s likely you’ll want to hydrate yourself and create a flawless tan. Try switching to a gradual tanner that slowly builds up your colour instead of dramatically darkening the skin all in one go. The subtlety of it allows you to slowly and steadily build up your tan and yes, the colour will be main-tained stably as well. Fourthly, make your skin oilier. When you wash the day off, swap your shower gel for shower oil, which is super-hydrating and helps reinforce hydrated skin when you start tanning the morning af-ter. Follow above tips and have yourself a perfect-bronzed skin to keep it as long as you can.