Memorializing my past self: what I wish I could tell little me

The importance of not leaving behind little you and being kind to yourself as you grow

Hope Norman
29th November 2022
Image Credit: Unsplash
So, I’m sat across from my younger self – what do I say to her?

Of course, it’s easy to be self-destructive in this scenario; my first instinct is to list all the things she shouldn’t do. I could tell her, with the glorious advantage of hindsight, what she will later look back on and cringe about. It’s natural to think about our younger selves as the lesser versions of who we are today, a draft of who we become. Yet by doing this, are we not discarding the stages of growth we’ve undergone to develop into our present selves? I’ve learned that it’s essential to nurture a relationship with every stage of myself, from childhood to the present.

It’s essential to nurture a relationship with every stage of myself, from childhood to the present.

Although this dynamic of looking inwardly often sees the older-self relaying words of wisdom to the younger, I’ve found there’s a lot to learn from little me. I’ve certainly grown shyer with age and my once wild imagination has been tamed. I think as we get older, we’re told to grow out of ourselves which oftentimes means some of our better qualities are dismissed. But why should they be? As children we are more emotionally vulnerable, compassionate, and curious beings; these are qualities we should all strive to maintain. By channeling the younger version of me, I’ve learned to be kinder to my present self. I’m a very self-critical person and at times can be quite harsh, but when I remind myself that I’m still talking to that little girl, I quickly change my tune.

Yet with more years of experience under my belt, what would I actually tell my younger self? Well, the overthinking never stops, and you still cry a lot – but that’s okay! You feel deeply but being a sensitive soul doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, you learn to love that about yourself, and others do too. Speaking of others; keep your family close, they are your rock, and Grandma is and always will be your best friend. In fact, your heart is so full of love for all your beautiful friends. Just wait and see, you meet your people at university. I really think you’d be proud of me; you push yourself slowly but surely, gaining experiences you never thought you’d be brave enough to do, and growing into the woman you always wanted to be. Stay true to yourself and quit comparing yourself to others - realistically, no one knows what they're doing!

Stay true to yourself and quit comparing yourself to others - realistically, no one knows what they're doing!

I’m still growing, I’ll never stop. But if there’s one thing to take away from this, it’s the importance of keeping every version of yourself close by, you never know when you might need them!

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