Memory Card - The Simpsons: Hit & Run

Today I’ll be talking about a game fondly remembered from my childhood - The Simpsons: Hit and Run. A favourite for children of all ages (adults included) this game allowed you to enter the world of The Simpsons. Playing as characters from the show, the player is given the opportunity to explore strange incidents going […]

26th October 2015

Today I’ll be talking about a game fondly remembered from my childhood - The Simpsons: Hit and Run. A favourite for children of all ages (adults included) this game allowed you to enter the world of The Simpsons.

Playing as characters from the show, the player is given the opportunity to explore strange incidents going on in the city of Springfield, which are later revealed to be a small part of a larger alien conspiracy. The Simpsons: Hit and Run is good for people of all ages and I myself have spent many hours with my brother and friends playing single and multiplayer and learning how awful I really was at video games. Cars are unlocked at different levels and get more imaginative as the game goes along. It is hard to believe that so much can go on in a small suburban area, but this game is jam-packed with things to do. Rather than play the actual  levels themselves, I used to enjoy embracing my inner road rage on the virtual screen by destroying other cars and running people over, none of which I would ever do in real life. There just seems something oddly satisfying about not really knowing what to do on this game, even after completing it numerous times. It can be picked up on a whim, and is a very easy way to pass a few hours and creates a vivid childhood memory.

“It is hard to believe that so much can go on in a small suburban area, but this game is jam-packed with things to do.”

Set on seven levels, you can play as several different characters, although Homer does get a particular focus. The strange occurrences of this game are both enjoyable and fascinating. The Halloween-styled level is set at night-time and offers users the chance to view the game in the dark and adds a bit of a scare factor to this otherwise family-friendly hit. Available on Xbox and other game consoles, I remember this being loved by near enough all of my friends when it first came out and was just easy to turn to for fun. I was never much of a big game player, or even that much of a Simpson’s lover, but The Simpson’s Hit and Run was just so versatile and well-worth the buy.

Overall, for a generation that was not consumed by technology as much as today, The Simpsons Hit and Run provided children with an escape from the world around them. If you’re a lover of easy games and enjoy playing multiplayer, this game is a true gem.

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