Salazar was known to want to win at any cost. And while that is a characteristic that most successful coaches share in the world, it sometimes has the tendency to push people over the line - which is exactly what happened to Salazar. He helped Mo Farah become the runner that he is and helped him become the most successful track athlete in history.
It all started to unravel for Salazar in 2015 when BBC Panorama and ProPublica exposed evidence of Salazar violating anti-doping rules, which eventually led to his ban from the sport. Some athletes including Kara and Adam Goucher turned into witnesses for the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) - turning on their former coach as they sought to redress the malpractice rampant in Nike Oregon.
As for Mo Farah, new evidence has emerged that raises more questions about his relationships with Salazar.
Documents show Farah repeatedly denied to US Anti-Doping (Usada) investigators he had received injections of the controversial supplement L-carnitine before the 2014 London Marathon. After initially denying it, Farah later changed his account to Usada investigators, saying he had forgotten. To be fair to the British runner, he has never failed a drugs test and has never been accused of doping. "I can sleep at night knowing I've done nothing wrong," Farah told the Mirror.
Emails obtained by BBC Panorama say that British athletes enquired with the authorities in the country about the use of thyroid medication because of supposed performance enhancing benefits - something which medical professionals in the documentary deny. However, what cannot be said for certain is that these medications do not have an effect on the athletes' health in the long run.
Does this association with Salazar taint the achievements of Mo Farah? So far, there is no reason to believe that there has been wrongdoing - officially anyway. So I would personally give him the benefit of the doubt. Not every athlete associated with a known cheater is a cheat. But the situation with his backtracking on the L-carnitine injections do not make him look good. However, that being said, it could also be put down as a simple case of forgetting something or a misunderstanding of the question from USADA officials.
Mo Farah is one of the most heavily drug tested athletes on the planet and so far, him coming out clean after every test is only a positive.