My Dream Vacation

Sophie McNally describes her dream vacation to the city of Love.

Sophie McNally
14th December 2020
All twenty glorious arrondissements staring back at you on a snow-tainted map. Each new turn provides a stunning rendition of the Paris you thought you knew. How does it change every single time? I can never seem to remember it quite right. You wonder, your gaze cutting through the chic, cosmopolitan little cafes and restaurants on either side of the street filled with motorbikes and fresh boulangerie smells. 

The Champs-Élysées is powdered in a brilliant white glow with the Arc de Triumph feature tempting you to come as people hurry past in as blur of high-end fragrances with every language under the sun rolling perfectly off their tongue. In a split decision you turn towards the unusual font hanging over the metro entrance and rush to make the next train.


Each stop is flawless in its own right. You choose to spend a lazy afternoon by the Seine river  - why not marvel at the Louvre another day? Once you finally get there you lean towards the frosted  lake and sigh with relaxation. The Notre-Dame complements your peripheral vision and laughter of school children throwing snowballs echoes in the background.  

I'll be with you someday soon Paris.

La poésie est dans la rue. 

Credit: Sophie McNally

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AUTHOR: Sophie McNally
Deputy Editor, History undergraduate, UB's The Spectrum alum and former KultureHub staff writer.

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