My journey to healthy eating

How you can shift your body into better habits

Chidera Onyebuchi
2nd April 2024
Image credit: Unsplash @nikolay_smeh
Take it from a girl who battled Milk Chocolate cookies addiction— especially the Belgian ones.

Or a girl with a sweet tooth and whose happiness hinges on food, or one who detests videos and articles saying stop eating this, and this and that. You can build a healthy eating lifestyle without taking out the things you love! Like me! 

I call it deceiving my body: deceiving it into believing that we’re eating healthy. I did this thing where I tried to starve myself of dairy, carbs, and sugar. I fell into a mini depression: yearning and longing for meals that made life worth living. Don't do that.

I constantly have to remind myself that this is a long journey. I had to learn to be Patient and Kind to myself, to my body. 

I told myself that I didn’t have to eat healthy just to lose weight. There are other benefits: good skin, your body feels good, a healthier immune system, which I am currently working towards because I was eating three packs of milk chocolate cookies in a day and my system is messed up.

There are other benefits: good skin, your body feels good, a healthier immune system

 I talk gently to myself when I indulge in these guilty pleasures “It is fine, don’t panic, you are on a journey. Tomorrow is another day to try again.”  And slowly, like that, when you have these kind conversations with yourself, you, your body, and the universe will come together to see that you are working towards your goal.

It’s important to find healthy things to replace that longing. It helps train the body to want less of the bad stuff. I started snacking on carrots, bananas, kiwi, and almond seeds.

I also found interesting, spicy and seasoned ways to make healthy meals so that I enjoy them: I sautee my broccoli with lots of garlic, stir-fry my square-cut bell peppers with small chunks of meat, adding greens, and broccoli to my pasta.

I had to train myself to eat in moderation. Too much of everything isn’t good: even the healthies. I drink lots of water because it’s good for the body and just to help me feel full.

Treat yourself: Little junk here, little carbs there. You’ve had it, nice. You’ve scratched the itch, that’s it. I know I said be kind to yourself but it doesn’t mean the guilt won’t come, so remember the post-eating clarity and guilt, to avoid building resentment.

The key is to be kind and patient and kind to yourself. Trust the process. Be grateful for tomorrow because you can try again. Find ways to enjoy healthy meals, and remember to treat yourself to the things you love but in moderation.

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