“Never been rejected so quickly”: RAG goes speed-dating

The Students Union might not be the most romantic place on campus, but on Tuesday 13th November, 150 students gathered to take part in Speed Dating with the Raising and Giving society (RAG). Red and Green wristbands indicated those looking for friendship and those who were ‘single and ready to mingle’. The lights were dimmed, […]

Tasha Bowers
26th November 2018
Image: tOrange

The Students Union might not be the most romantic place on campus, but on Tuesday 13th November, 150 students gathered to take part in Speed Dating with the Raising and Giving society (RAG).

Red and Green wristbands indicated those looking for friendship and those who were ‘single and ready to mingle’. The lights were dimmed, fake candles and rose petals littered the tables for a very steamy set up, and the speed dating began. Each time eager participants had just two minutes to find out as much as possible about each other; and after a few party games hosted by Sam Mead and Hannah Finney it was late enough to go into town and get our groove on.

Fourth year Modern Languages student and keen bean Lucy Joyce said, “I had a really good night considering that it could have been incredibly awkward…Thank God the bottles of wine were only £6.”

Martha King, one of two Presidents of RAG, deemed the night to be a success, with £810 raised. She mentioned, “The event was more popular than we imagined and we were really lucky to raise so much money for such a good cause – with it being one of the opening events of the year, hopefully it’s a good sign of things to come.”

The Raising and Giving society is all about raising money for chosen charities and giving back to the community in a fun, social way. Are you inclined to fancy dress and socialising all in the name of charity? Then think about taking part in RAG week from the 25th January to the 1st February 2019; signups for this are on the 26th of November. On the 6th of December a brand new event comes to RAG, ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ where dance teachers teach novices how to cut some shapes: which let’s be honest, will probably be later recycled in Sinners. As well as this, pub quizzes, a murder mystery event and the annual RAG fashion show are on the horizon. Naturally, the events are not just for members, anyone can attend and help collect some pennies for worthwhile causes. If like me you are yet to buy next year’s calendar, their Facebook page will have all the details of future events and socials.

The Speed Dating was a huge success in terms of raising money for a great cause, Contact the Elderly, which specialises in organising tea parties for older people in order to combat loneliness. As for finding my true love, unfortunately I think I’ll have to stick to Tinder…

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