At the Student Council meeting on Thursday 17 October, two candidates nominated themselves for the role of Marginalised Genders Officer for the 2019/20 academic year. The two candidates, Eleasha Haslam and Katie-Jane Bennetto, gave brief speeches outlining why they would be the ideal candidate for the role and what they would hope to achieve. Voting opened on the NUSU website at 7:30pm and closed at 2pm on Friday 18.
Second year Geography student Eleasha Haslam was elected with 48 votes to Bennetto’s 34, with two students instead voting to re-open nominations.
Summarising her aims for the upcoming year, Haslam said: “I want to close the gender inequality gap within Newcastle University campus and help create a safe and accepting space for all marginalised genders to feel they belong here at Newcastle University. There is a huge gender inequality within academia itself and I hope that in what I have planned and my ideas I can make the University more inclusive and students happier here.”
Second year Geography student Eleasha Haslam was elected with 48 votes to Bennetto’s 34, with two students instead voting to re-open nominations.
One of Haslam’s key objectives is the introduction of more gender neutral toilets across campus. Haslam argued: “Why should gender have to limit you? You don’t choose your gender, it is part of who you are so let’s fight gender discrimination on campus by implementing gender neutral toilets. Those who do or don’t identify as male/female should not have to be pressured into gendered spaces they do not identify with or feel comfortable in. Gender neutral bathrooms offer marginalised gender students a safe and non-judgmental space to carry out human rights on campus in a way that does not undermine their identity and improves cohesion of gender equality within university campus.”
Furthermore, Haslam wants to create a system of focus groups and anonymous forums for students who identify as a gender other than cis-male to listen to what students actually want to make them feel more included at Newcastle University.
Haslam finally hopes to partner with LGBT+ Society and Feminist Society to run campaigns for gender equality awareness both within academia as well as on campus and work with the Courier to promoted this across campus and celebrate diversity and inclusivity at Newcastle University.
Haslam will work alongside a team of seven other liberation officers to ensure students from marginalised groups have a voice on campus.
Featured image: NUTV