Warm Paws: Newcastle Dog and Cat shelter raises £100,000 to combat energy price hike

The cost living crisis induced an appeal for a Newcastle dog and cat shelter.

Mitchell Hall
8th March 2023
Image credit: Flickr
A Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter launched the ‘Warm Paws appeal’ after an energy price hike threatened the operation of the shelter, which has been providing services for the last 126 years.

The appeal states their existing annual bill is set to quadruple from £50,000 to £200,000. This, amidst a cost of living crisis, not only harms the charity’s ability to operate but also sees families unable to afford to keep their pets, meaning there’s higher pressure on all shelters.

Families are unable to afford to keep their pets, meaning there's higher pressure on all shelters

The appeal was initially launched in late 2022 and has since seen support from celebrities such as Alan Shearer, as well as seeing features on BBC Radio Newcastle and BBC Look North. The community, have banded together throughout and through £100,000 worth of donations and have taken a large chunk out of the price increase, allowing the charity to continue to help re-home animals across their two locations, a road arrivals centre on Claremont Road and a re-homing centre in Benton.

Whether it’s individuals across Newcastle and the nation giving what they can, or local businesses donating money or services, the appeal has brought many people together for a worthy and adorable cause.

The appeal has brought many people together for a worthy and adorable cause

Alongside and around the appeal itself, the shelter has hosted a series of fundraising events and opportunities. This includes the fancy and charming ‘Paws and Prosecco’ ball at the end of last year, which looks set to return again when December rolls around, and their involvement in the Great North Run, for which they have charity places open to potential runners.

To keep up with these initiatives you can follow the Shelter’s LinkedIn Newcastle Dog & Cat Shelter | LinkedIn , and to get involved yourself the appeal is still accepting donations, you can find more information on that here Warm Paws Appeal – Newcastle Dog & Shelter (dogandcatshelter.com)

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