Newcastle fans scrap £15 PPV and donate £20,000 to local food banks

In their trademark style Newcastle fans are giving back to their community, raising an unbelievable amount for local food charities

Tom Moorcroft
3rd November 2020
Image: The Courier
It’s no doubt that the recent £14.95 pay-per-view Premier League fiasco has angered a few fans, but Newcastle fans have taken to protest in their typical, community fashion.

The PPV plan from the Premier League sees five games every round going straight to pay-per-view, urging fans to fork over the cash to see their beloved teams battle it out.

Whilst many fans would be very happy to keep the £15 in their pocket, watch a play-by-play update on their phones and call it a night, Newcastle fans decided to put their money back into their community, and have raised a total of £20,000 for local food banks. The initiative has been dubbed Charity not PPV

A number of other Premier League clubs’ fan bases have embraced the response, including Aston Villa, Leeds United and Manchester United, the latter of which can boast the good-willing Marcus Rashford, amid his political career and desire to keep Britain's children fed.

The issue has never been more prevalent in the UK, coming just in time for the government’s voting against free school meals which has shocked the nation. 

The chief executive of Newcastle’s West-End Foodbank was ecstatic to see the initiative from Newcastle fans, voicing his appreciation online.

"We are feeding 1,000 people a week and use 10-plus tonnes of food every month, which costs £1,700 a tonne, so these donations are really needed”.

It’s also amazing to see that the response has not only been from Newcastle natives, but has also mad waves across the globe, seeing many take part in that classic Geordie generosity.

"We have had donations from London, Spain and America, so it's not just locally that the interest has gathered. It really seems to have taken off."

Similar words were spoken by Bill Corcoran, who organised the campaign as part of the NUFC Fans Food Bank group.

"The most we have ever collected outside a game was £5,800 but the response has been from all over the world.

"Someone just suggested the idea on Twitter and we thought, 'that's great, let's do it'. Whoever recommended pay-per-view, pitched it wrong. If you're a season-ticket holder and already pay for games on TV, this was the metaphorical straw that broke the camel's back”.

It’s fantastic to see that though all the hardship that comes with being a Newcastle fan, they haven’t given up on respecting and supporting the community that they know and love.

Featured Image: Twitter @BillCorcoran5
AUTHOR: Tom Moorcroft
Head of Sport for The Courier. Current 3rd year English Literature and History student. Love writing about sports/music, playing the guitar and Everton FC!

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