No luck for golfers

Northumbria's Ryan Craig has written us a short guest feature that you'll enjoy

Ryan Craig
28th February 2017
First rate swing: Northumbria were too good on the day. Image: Northumbria Sport

Newcastle 1’s have improved a lot since they last played Northumbria, battling hard for the victory. However, Northumbria’s golfers had an esteemed reputation to uphold, and were not going to be beaten on their biggest match of the year.

Being up against one of the best teams in the country, Newcastle still didn’t stand much of a chance. The Northumbria 2s had it easy, winning 6-0.

"Ryan Craig played amazing"

However, Newcastle’s Alasdair McDougall definitely had the stand out performance. He was the only Newcastle player to win his match, beating one of Northumbria’s best players, scholar Elliot Butterworth.

The 3rd match in the 2s game was very tight, going to the last hole, where Calum Cree played an out-of-form Jack Lewis. The match went to the 18th hole, but Lewis narrowly won. Ryan Craig played amazing.

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