In the past few years though, I’ve tried to change how I view myself; you’ll never win against a brain that’s conditioned to think that what you have isn’t good enough. Self-love is tough though. By no means am I at the point of “loving myself” that we all see on social media. Something that I think we’re all susceptible of is being mean to ourselves in ways we’d NEVER be to our loved ones. Therefore, my self-love is less about expensive bath bombs, and more about taking time to recognise the good things I’m doing rather than just the bad.
Doing this has made me so much more confident in myself; I’ve applied for roles that I’d never thought I’d get and got them, I’ve worn clothes that I wouldn’t go near in the past, and I’ve ditched heavy makeup to push me out of my comfort zone. All of these things, despite being scary, have made me so much happier. None of them could’ve been done though, if I didn’t start with sharing a little bit of love with myself and best of all, it’s completely free!