November in Newcastle: a photo diary

The Nocturnal, The Nutritious, and The Nippy.

Dasha Romanova
1st December 2021
November began with fireworks. The sky was lit the entire night, and the air still faintly smelled of smoke the following morning. A walk through Town Moor was a game of how quickly you can turn in one spot to take everything in. In every direction, there was colour, people (in spite of the cold), and awe. What made the night though, were the smaller gatherings over hot chocolate in paper cups and the careful construction of s’mores. Thus November began as it was to continue, cold but wholesome. 
Fireworks at Bonfire night

Before the bitter cold set in, November still held hints of autumn. A walk through Ouseburn to the Quayside exhibited the wonders of the vast autumnal pallet, and the moon seemed brighter, competing with the Street lamps along the River Tyne. With the sun setting early, it became increasingly harder to catch it as it hit the many bridges of Newcastle, but even after it set, this highly recommended walk is a thing of beauty; with various stopping points along the way, whether you fancy a pint or a coffee.

November began as it was to continue, cold but wholesome. 

The novelty and excitement of being back on campus again has dwindled slightly with the late evenings of looming deadlines. While some parts of campus may come with these feelings of being overwhelmed, other parts such as the hall in the Armstrong building were transformed. The performances put on by the Theatre Society this month have been an excellent escape and one that returned campus back into a place of excitement and bustle. 

For the sake of this photo diary, nourishment is more akin to the fuel your mind needs to last until the winter break. Given this, what could be more nourishing than a Sunday dinner? The ultimate cure for homesickness.

Whether it’s a study date or study break, Cake Stories provides the sugar and caffeine rush you need, regardless. It’s easy to get wrapped up in work and worry, but perhaps this is exactly the moment to get wrapped up in hats and scarves and head out for a meal or slice of cake with friends. 

Cake stories

And so, November ends with weather warnings and white snow that turned to ice before it had the chance to turn to slush. It was unexpected, and everyone seemed to be out in coats and hats and their warmest winter attire to watch it fall. Come the next evening, however, the same people were struggling to stay upright as they slid rather than walked. With the power cuts, and damage caused by the storm, Newcastle seemed a little darker and worse for wear come the end of November, but there’s no doubt it will be back to its bright and festive self, especially with the arrival of the Christmas Markets on December 2nd

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