On Campus: Newcastle University A Capella Society

Tom Bryant, President of Newcastle University's A Cappella Society, talks us through their recent TV fame...

Tom Bryant
16th October 2017

With a new committee and exciting ideas, The Tune Army (as our A Cappella society is called) started the 2016-17 year with enthusiasm and ambition – and what a year it turned out to be!

After the initial recruitment stage we eagerly started to learn new music with our fortnightly rehearsals. Our social secretary organised some great events throughout the year; such as movie nights, music gigs, nights out and of course a spot of karaoke at the famous Cosy Joes!

As the year progressed, our arrangements and confidence as a group increased with memorable performances at charity events, birthday parties, carol services and University course balls.

Come the end of the year we were ecstatic that all our efforts throughout the year were recognised, as we consequently won ‘The Most Improved Society”!

However, it wasn’t until Easter when we realised just how far we had come. We auditioned and won a place to perform in London for Masters Of Show Choir and we won the “Special Recognition Prize”. This was a fantastic achievement considering it was Newcastle University’s first time competing in the competition. Come the end of the year we were ecstatic that all our efforts throughout the year were recognised, as we consequently won ‘The Most Improved Society”!

ACapella Online 1

To top this all off, we then received a phone call from the TV company Sky. They had seen a video of us on YouTube and wanted us to take part in a new TV show called ‘SING: Ultimate A Cappella’, hosted by Cat Deeley. The winner of this show would receive a recording contract to record an album. After accepting the next few months were an excited frenzy of rehearsals, meetings with choreographers and vocal coaches as well as pre-recorded interviews. The directors of the show seemed to love the fact that as a group we were all friends and were singing for fun, not fame.

The weekend of the show was filled with countless numbers of rehearsals, sound tech and meetings with stylists. We even met The Vamps, who were performing on our episode. It was such a great honour to be asked to perform on the show as we were competing against some fantastic groups, with some having careers in singing.

This year we want to do even more competitions and raise awareness of The Tune Army as a society. We are an all inclusive, non-auditioned society and we are always excited to meet new singers and beat boxers. Feel free to come along to one of our sessions!

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