Oscar snub for Best Picture - The Farewell (PG)

George Bell passionately advocates for The Farewell as one of the best films of the year.

George Bell
8th February 2020
Image Credit: IMBD
While its safe to say most films have earned their nominations, in typical Oscar fashion there are several films from 2019 that deserve a lot more respect and show how out of the touch the Oscars are getting.

One such movie is the brilliant The Farewell (2019), directed by Lulu Wang and starring Awkwafina, which received no academy award nominations. At all.

The Farewell is a primarily Chinese/Mandarin spoken film about a family who decides not to inform their dying grandmother of her illness and go back to China from around the world to say their goodbyes under the guise of a wedding. As expected, it’s quite the bittersweet film with some truly sad moments that will make you cry, but also really heartfelt moments that make this film so amazing. Superb performances by Awkwafina and Zhao Shuzen further elevate this movie and make it a must-watch for anyone with a heart, which the Oscars are clearly lacking.

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AUTHOR: George Bell
One half film addict, one part computer nerd. All parts Croc lover

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