Oscar snub for Best Supporting Actor: Kevin Garnett

Muslim Taseer champions Kevin Garnett's debut performance for Best Supporting Actor.

Muslim Taseer
5th February 2020
Image Credit: IMBD
It seems the Academy isn’t yet willing to forgive Adam Sandler for his crimes against cinema, because it stayed well away from giving Uncut Gems any attention at all, which is a tragedy. 

Kevin Garnett’s debut performance as himself deserved a nomination at the very least. His role was pivotal to the story, and he delivered such a convincing performance it’s almost hard to believe he isn't a trained actor. Garnett, a basketball player, has to essentially be himself on screen, but at the same time must act. 

In spite of it being Garnett’s first role -and a very challenging one at that- he smashes it, and at the same time brings out some of Sandler’s best performances in the scenes they share. Academy politics might have robbed a lot of people of recognition, but I think we can be sure we’ll be seeing Garnett on the big screen again. 

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