Ozzie: the campus cure in cat form

Newcastle Uni has a campus well-being cat, and she loves cuddles!

Arwa Mahmood
28th November 2022
Cuddles with Ozzie! Image credit: instagram @whiskers_of_wisdom
Ozzie, Newcastle University’s very own campus cat, is the key to any broke, stressed and seasonally depressed Newcastle student. She really is our rock.

As exciting as moving to a new city is, leaving behind your pets feels like you’re leaving a part of yourself. The feeling of thinking there’s a cat sitting under your bed for a split second before realising it’s just a fluffy slipper is worse than any heartbreak. 

I am convinced that her sheer presence has the power to solve any problem

I woke up early especially to see her at the Phillip Robinson Library and holding her warm furry tiny body in my arms felt like I was 9 years old again in my grandmother’s house cuddling our childhood cat and talking to her about my year 4 problems. I am convinced that her sheer presence has the power to solve any problem. Her calmness throughout the visit was remarkable as she just laid in our arms quietly lifting her head every now and then for a scratch behind her little ears. 

She is exceptional at her job as the official campus cat because I immediately felt better the minute my hand touched her soft fur. Not to mention she has her very own Newcastle University ID card with a little picture of her tiny face; if this doesn’t make your heart melt, I don’t know what will.

Ozzie's adorable smart card. Image credit: Ashna Mathur

Living in a busy city like Newcastle with not a whisker in sight can be difficult and no amount of stuffed animals can compare to the feeling of cuddling a tiny cat with pointy ears and a cold little nose. The feeling is indescribable. Whether you’re a dog person or a cat person, or even a goldfish person, the feeling of a tiny companion waiting for you to come home is pure solace.

If you get time in your busy schedules, take the time to give into the cat person in you and cuddle our campus cat. Her visits are regularly posted on her Instagram account @whiskers_of_wisdom

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