Paul Mescal who? Northumberland Roman discovery suggests Gladiators held celebrity status

What a 2000 year old knife handle reveals about ancient civilisation...

Dylan Seymour
9th December 2024
Image Credit: IMDB
Roman society was very different from our own. Suffering from Asthma? Here, take this dried camel brain. Are you a Christian? Unlucky son, it's time to be turned into a giant human candle. Can't get your plants to grow? It's easy! Fetch a goat, sacrifice it to Jupiter. Such traditions are long-forgotten remnants of the past, unless of course you're from Barnsley. However, one similarity was Rome's obsession with celebrity culture. Sure, our celebrities are more Sabrina Carpenter and less slave warriors stabbing lions in a giant arena, but whatever!

Found in the River Tyne at Corbridge - a Roman town along Hadrian's Wall, the handle depicts a gladiator with a shield (called a Scutum) and is remarkably well preserved. Despite being around 2,000 years old, the Scutum's pattern can be clearly seen, as can the details of the figure's armour.

Despite being around 2,000 years old, the Scutum's pattern can be clearly seen

English Heritage, who will display the artefact, have noted that as the figure is left handed - a bad omen in Roman culture - it may depict a specific gladiator. After all, why include a mark of bad luck unless you're trying to be accurate. This even suggests something similar to a celebrity culture in Roman society That's right, this archaeological discovery is the classical equivalent of your da's Freddie Mercury pop figure.

This even suggests something similar to a celebrity culture in Roman society

Gladiators were, often enslaved, warriors who battled for entertainment against animals and fellow gladiators in arenas such as Rome's Coliseum. Some rebelled, such as Spartacus, whose 71BC rebellion partly inspired the film Gladiator (2000). Others who excelled in the ring were awarded with freedom, luxury and - as the knife handle evidences - fame.

Britannia, especially the area surrounding Hadrian's Wall, was on the far reaches of Rome's territory. As such, it can be observed that the reverence of gladiator celebrities was an empire-wide phenomenon. Whether Rome, Ravenna or Rochester, imperial subjects just loved watching death and murder! Dulce bellum inexpertis (war is sweet for those who haven't experienced it), I suppose.

AUTHOR: Dylan Seymour
Sports Sub-Editor | BA Politics and History Student | Vegan

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