Photobox: Pizza Pronto

Rory Cameron tells us about his experience in Liverpool takeaway.

Rory Cameron
7th November 2017
Image: Rory Cameron

It was the recommendation of a local that brought us to Pizza Pronto on Liverpool’s Bold Street at around 5am.

The local vicinity is somewhat of a Jekyll and Hyde area- lovely artisan shops filled with middle class and hipsters fill tea and coffee houses in the day; and by night, flashing neon lights illuminate your way past screaming scantily clad locals, as your feet crunch over broken glass and squelch through regurgitated chips.

Whilst took selfies as we waited for our cheesy garlic bread, we met the unnamed man pictured he. He demanded to know why we were taking photos of him- this guy was looking for a fight. Fortunately, the situation was defused when I explained that the photos weren't of him; but if he wanted, he could model for me.

After several pictures, including the one seen here, our model’s ego was sufficiently placated, until he began to berate the weary shop owners. 'Where are my chips?! How do you know that those aren't my chips?! Bruv, you ain't got no ticketing system in this place, where is your chip ticketing system?!' Apparently, anyone else in the shop could be eating his order of chips.

With the shopkeepers also unwilling to engage in any argument, our anonymous drunk directed his anger to the customers and spectators around him. And with one surly hoodie, he found the fight that he was looking for. Unfortunately he didn't notice his hooded opponent was backed by five other lads who were smoking outside the shop.

And so, our pugnacious antihero was chased up Bold Street and into an alley by six men, where he was beaten and killed to the floor. Once his attackers melted away, he got up gingerly and limped off with his tail between his legs, away from the small crowd of us who had gathered to watch from the street, whilst we ate our cheesy garlic bread and chips.

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