Poembox: noise doesn't move fast enough

Arts editor Evie Lake shares her poem 'noise doesn't move fast enough'.

Evie Lake
26th October 2020

what about the war

what about the women 

which war?

my tampons cost 

more than his car

have you forgotten


about the food banks 


in a typhoon 

what about depression

we don’t get those here.

whose turn was it 

to watch the men

i swear there used to be

i don’t do drugs!

these things that could


your teenager! he’s 


god vegans!

into his porn

oh look your daughter

can do it too

there’s too much fire

or is that ice

what about education

it is a shame about those polar bears.

smile! the world is working 

off your cue

what about th- me?

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