Poembox: The World is Your Lobster

Rachael McCreanor takes Poembox this week with a piece entitled "The World is Your Lobster".

Rachael McCreanor
28th February 2022

I could have ripped a tree to shreds whilst screaming Latin rhymes,

I could have made a frog a bed and fed it tiny limes,

I could have jumped a thousand leagues and travelled all through time,

I could have done it all, she said 

But I don’t know, I never tried  

I could have met a fairy king and turned my eyebrows blue,

I could have laid down in the moss and met a balding shrew,

I could have planted twenty legs and giggled as they grew,

I could have done it all he said  

But I don’t know, I never tried  

I could have vaulted to the moon and lived with Cheesy Steve,

I could have tracked down Big Foot’s lair and crotched him a sleeve,

I could have grown a ginger beard and wound it in a weave,

I could have done it all, she said 

But I don’t know, I never tried 

You told me I could catch a star and keep it in a clasp,  

You told me I could conquer worlds and hold them in my grasp, 

You said the world would be my lobster if I only ask,

I could do it all, you said 

But I don’t know, 

Perhaps I'll try.

AUTHOR: Rachael McCreanor
Deputy Editor 23/24, PGR Student studying for an MLitt in English Literature. she/her.

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