Post final year travel plans

Our writer discusses their travel plans for after the exam season.

Jessica Mckeown
17th May 2024

To celebrate handing in all my final essays, I’m going on holiday to Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria with my boyfriend at the end of May. We booked through Easy Jet package holidays which had a sale on with £100 off when you spend over £800 so worked out £351 per person. This holiday is intended to be a week of pure relaxation after my final year. I’m already dreaming of relaxing on the beach with a drink in one hand and a book in the other whilst the boyfriend digs holes in the sand. 

At the start of June, I will be going on the 20 Minute Mystery Holiday with 20 Minute Society. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the society, the society is based on spontaneity with a text giving you twenty minutes to get to Luther's for a surprise social (if you want to learn more, read my society spotlight here). The annual mystery holiday is at it says on the tin – a week away at a mystery location. Yes, you do get more than twenty minutes notice for the holiday. I went on last year’s holiday which was Prague, Czech Republic and had an absolute blast so I’m really looking forward to this one. 

To round off the summer, I’m spending a week traveling around Ireland with my boyfriend and his family. I also hope to fit in interrailing with my sister and visit some more European cities. Last long summer before entering the workforce so I am determined to make the most of it. 

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