Preview: Emily in Paris- not too Christmassy, but a cosy watch over the holidays

With just a few weeks to go, we anticipate the release of Emily in Paris season 3.

Amana Khan
14th December 2022
Image credit: IMDB
It may be Christmas seasons but sometimes a cheesy comfort show is all anyone needs, and with the new season of Emily in Paris on its way, a comfort show is what we will be getting come the 21st of December.

The trailer for season 3 of Emily in Paris was recently released and it has left me wanting more. Last season we were left wondering where Emily’s future lied regarding her work life, and more importantly so, her love life.

It has left me wanting more

The trailer gives so much away, but at the same time nothing at all. As always, Emily seems to have many difficult decisions at hand ranging from where she decided to work, whether she stays in Paris, and whether she chooses Gabriel (who we are all rooting for) or Alfie.  

However, love and work aren’t the only things Emily is in, with the trailer showing that she is guaranteed some much needed TLC this season.

All this does is leave me with so many unanswered questions as to who she picks, leaving me in anticipation for when the season finally comes out. There is no doubt that I will be binge watching this in a day as a result of this trailer

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