Report shows Northern England worst hit by COVID-19

Emily Hawksley on the effects of COVID-19 on the North of England

Emily Hawksley
25th November 2020
coronavirus covid-2019 is not true. Girl dont belive in coronavirus
The Newcastle University report shows the dramatic impact of COVID-19 on the North of England

According to this study, the North has been hit by the pandemic much harder than the rest of the country and mitigating measures must be put in place to stop inequalities rising even further and faster.

The report, compiled by the Northern Health Science Alliance and other organisations, estimates the amount of money the pandemic has cost the region. It evaluated that the economic cost of increased mortality in the North during the pandemic is at £6.86 billion and the reductions in mental health in the region at around £5 billion a year.

It also included 12 recommendations to help “level up” the country.

Led by scientists at the universities of Newcastle, Manchester, York and Liverpool, the report found 57.7 more people per 100,000 died in the North than the rest of England between March and July.

Trends in poverty, education, employment and mental health for children and young people have worsened since the pandemic

They also said that since the pandemic, trends in poverty, education, employment and mental health for children and young people worsened.

Figures show that austerity simultaneously put the Northern region in a more vulnerable position by reducing health and well-being. It also cost the UK around £2 billion a year in lost productivity, with over £16 billion lost since 2011.

Hannah Davies, Health Inequalities leader for the Northern Health Science Alliance said “Health inequalities between the North and the rest of England have been growing for over a decade. This report demonstrates the impact that has had on the productivity of the region and how it has led COVID-19 to have a devastating impact on the North”.

The authors of the report make a series of recommendations to stop further inequalities, such as placing additional resources into the Track and Trace system in the North, reducing child poverty and delivering funding to tackle health issues.

Featured image: GI Media

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