The EP includes the previously released songs 'Lonely Dancers', 'Never Ending Song', 'Winner', 'Killing Me', and, of course, 'Alley Rose'. Gray has seemingly stepped out of his usual trademark style, expanding into different genres, registers of voice, and styles.
Gray has certainly generated a lot of hype with 'Alley Rose'. A beautiful song consisting of a catchy melody, gorgeous harmonies and incredible instrumentation, the song has become massive on a range of social media such as TikTok and Instagram, despite being Gray's lowest single debut.
'Alley Rose' was written after Gray experienced heartbreak on his way back to the US from London, with lyrics such as "I waited all year at your feet/Like maybe you'd love me" capturing his feelings of anguish and betrayal. The building dynamics which drop suddenly after the bridge are a clear reflection of the road to heartbreak; a swell of emotions, the joys of forming a relationship, being in love, before it all comes crashing down suddenly and without warning.
The bridge especially has gained a lot of traction online, as it exudes the passion of a power ballad interwoven with the thrill of an 80s song. This part of the song more than any other, in my opinion, has a strong flavour of Elton John's characteristic melodies and sweeping instrumentation, particularly seen in the jump in pitch in "And I don't even care", which highlights how Gray really does care beneath it all.
I believe 'Alley Rose' is a brilliant progression in Gray's musical career, as it demonstrates a new direction from his past work while still feeling like a Conan Gray song; passionate, powerful, and poignant.