Review: Avengers: ENDGAME

Jagoda Waszkowiak gives us the positives and negatives of the final instalment of the Avengers trilogy

Jagoda Waszkowiak
13th May 2019
Image: Bunk at Pexels

Even though I am a big Marvel fan I wasn’t convinced to go see Avengers: Endgame in the theatre. Despite that, the hype around Marvel has never been greater than it is now. Deservedly, as this movie is not only the second chapter of the apocalypse so do speak, but truly the end of an era. The fans didn’t know much before the premiere, therefore the bar was pretty high.

However, the one clip from the film they let us see was quite disappointing for me and quickly cooled down my enthusiasm. I can confirm now, that it contained the worse line of the film. Unfortunately, there is more dialogue that completely missed the mark. With the amount of fanservice, the Russo brothers managed to cram into this nearly 3-hour movie, it was inevitable that some of the interactions came out cheesy, rather than funny or touching. Thankfully, most of them came out satisfying, rather than awkward.

Overall, most of the characters got a deserving send off and the future of the Marvel universe is teased ever so slightly.

The strength of Endgame lies in those successful ones. Hard to break it to you, but the plot itself isn’t surprising at all. Truly shocking is how the original Avengers team evolved in comparison to their first appearance together 7 years ago. Some of them change beyond recognition and some say goodbye forever. Overall, most of the characters got a deserving send off and the future of the Marvel universe is teased ever so slightly. There were some that felt a bit forgotten at the end. However, viewers forget all those mishaps where it comes to the finale, which is absolutely worth the wait.

In fact, the last act of Avengers: Endgame contains some of the best moments in the whole MCU – extremely satisfying scenes that call-back motifs from all the films before. This is the way it should be, considering this was the series finale to the saga started way back in 2008 by Iron Man. There are some gaps in logic, cheesy moments and storylines treated badly, however overall it created the exact feeling you want. And that is the main reason the film is absolutely worth seeing.

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