Review: The Great British Bake Off Final

Michael Duckworth reviews the finale of TV's most wholesome competition

Michael Duckworth
1st December 2020
Credit: Instagram, @britishbakeoff
The Final of the 2020 Great British Bake Off is here, and the perfect lockdown medicine has finally run dry. After weeks of delicious bakes and bunking down on the sofa with a cup of tea and a blanket every Tuesday, the 12 contestants were whittled down to 3. Laura, David and Peter battled their way through pastries, biscuits and puddings earning their place in the grand finale where they baked custard slices, hazelnut whirls and a "Bonkers Bake Off Bubble Cake" to round out the series. 
The newest Bake Off champion - Peter. Credit: Instagram, @britishbakeoff

While the warm comfort of the Bake Off tent is leaving us for the year, the British public has be gifted one of my favourite winners in recent years. Peter entered the tent wide eyed and optimistic and left with bewildered glee with his brand new trophy. It was a heartwarming win, with two 'star baker' titles under his belt (opposed to David and Laura's one each) there's no denying he absolutely deserved it. Hearing him talk about how he was inspired to bake by the show he just won is the perfect story arc and is a warm wholesome ending for this baker that you can't help but root for.

As for the other finalists, the soon-to-be father David was the only real competition for Peter and would've made a fine winner, with an honourable goal to prove himself as he enters into fatherhood. Even though his win was entirely deserved and quite probable, I feel it would've had less of a feel-good punch than Peters win.

And then there's Laura, god bless, scraping by the last few weeks by the skin of her teeth, she seemed to have made it to the final completely by accident. She wasn't much of a contender for the Bake Off trophy but her clumsy bakes were certainly entertaining and she definitely won our hearts.

The perfect story arc and a warm wholesome ending for this baker that you can't help but root for.

Now that Bake Off's over, what are we all going to do with ourselves on a Tuesday night? How are we going to fill the cake shaped void in our hearts? There's always the new series of Naked Attraction on Channel 4, but that doesn't exactly encapsulate the wholesome atmosphere of the Bake Off Tent. There's nothing quite like The Great British Bake Off, so I'll be watching the past 4 series on All 4 and maybe whipping up some cupcakes in true (messy) Laura fashion.

Feature Image Credit: Instagram, @britishbakeoff

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