Sleeping over at someone else’s place is always uneasy for girls. Even if one has already planned ahead, it’s often still a struggle trying to fix the morning-after appearance when waking up in stranger’s place, having very little memory of last night’s antics. There are a bunch of lists on internet of what you should put in your clutch to prepare for one night stand. But let’s face it, there is no way to fit in cleansing oil, night cream or your comb in your clutch unless you have Doraemon’s pocket. I mean, we all know how bad it is to sleep with makeup on, but it is just weird bringing your skincare set to parties. Prepare yourself by packing these products instead to turn your walk of shame into the stride of pride.
Oversized clutches
Pack an oversized clutch so that you can stuff as many essentials in as possible. Pack yourself a pair of foldable flats from Butterfly Twists so you don’t have to walk in 4-inches heels at 9 a.m. Bobby pins and elastics can be a good quick fix to bed hair. Don’t forget charging cable in case the new friend uses android when you have an iPhone - you won’t want your phone out of juice when trying to find your way home.
Individually wrapped wipes
Boots Smooth Care Finishing Wipes (£3.49) or Vagisil Dual Action Intimate Wipes (£3) may not be originally designed for makeup removal. But they are still designed for skins and most importantly individually wrapped so you can easily slip one into your clutch. If you didn’t have one, bring cotton buds instead. Use them with warm water to clean your raccoon eyes. This might come in handy when you don’t have cleanser available.
Wait, did I mention his penis needs to be individually wrapped too?
Choose your make-up before going out
Many new ‘high-tech’ makeup products are not only okay to sleep in them, but retailers claim that these products can magically regenerate skins overnight. Bare Minerals Pure Transformation Night Treatment (£45) claims that this “concentrated powder formula replenishes skin while you sleep so you’ll wake up with a luminous glow”. While Max Factor Lashfinity 3 Day Mascara (£18.99) says “Just one application of our revolutionary mascara gives you three days of long dark lashes”. Although it sounds too good to be true, at least they allow us to party hard all night without worrying too much.
Hide you hangover with concealer. Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat (£25) would be your best friend after a crazy night. Apart from being an “under-eye concealer” like how we all use it, it can also lighten up tired eyes by dabbing it on the inner corner, or contour your face by applying it on the bridge of your nose… There is a reason why one Touche Éclat is sold every 10 seconds around the world.
Moisturising lipstick
Pick a moisturising lipstick that can be dubbed as blush as well. Put a small dab of this in circular motions on the apples of your cheeks to give you the appearance of a flushed, healthy appearance, despite the corpse like appearance you’re probably rocking right now. Add a bit to your lips too to really brighten up your look and hopefully detract the attention from the rest of your face.