Samuel L Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn to star in Marvel original series 'Secret Invasion'

Joshua Thompson gives us a rundown of what to expect from the Disney+ exclusive Secret Invasion

Joshua Thompson
18th December 2020
Secret Invasion logo, Credit: IMDb
Samuel L Jackson is set to play Nick Fury yet again in the MCU but is exchanging the big screen for a small one. So what is Secret Invasion?

Early on the 11 December, Marvel (amid a flurry of other announcements) revealed that a new original series was coming to Disney Plus, Secret Invasion. This unexpected revelation of a fan-favourite comic event (once tipped to be the focus of an entire phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe) has caused a considerable amount of excitement. This was furthered by the confirmation that Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn will return as Nick Fury and Talos, respectively. As shown in Captain Marvel, their dynamic can bring both drama and comedy, a mix that Marvel has a track record of getting spot on.

Ben Mendelsohn as Talos in Captain Marvel, Credit: IMDb

Whilst many shows and films were announced on the Disney Investor Day, this is the one I’m personally the most excited for. We have not been provided with much information surrounding the plot yet, but there are several exciting directions the producers can take. They could follow the comic book route, where superheroes are replaced by Skrulls and immense damage and conflict ensues. However, this may be unlikely given Captain Marvel’s depiction of the species as victims of the Kree. We could see the introduction of new, evil Skrulls. Such Skrulls may be intent on replacing the human race one person at a time, with only Talos and Fury knowing how to stop them. As we’ve learned over the years, the MCU doesn’t exactly follow its comic book origins.

Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury in Spider-Man Far From Home, Credit: IMDb

Whilst the plot is far from confirmed, one thing is for sure, it will be a brilliant watch. Jackson’s Fury is a constant source of enjoyment, stealing nearly every scene he’s appeared in with tons of memorable one-liners. Mendelsohn’s Talos also impressed with his big-screen debut, portraying a dual-edged character who cleverly transitions from villain to believable hero.

The wider effects on the MCU could be massive

It is also important to note the implications this TV show may have on the wider MCU. If it is to be revealed that heroes have been replaced with Skrull counterparts, then this can have a huge impact on past and future storylines and heroes, possibly completely altering them. We have already seen this with the revelation that the Nick Fury in Spiderman Far From Home was actually Talos the entire time.

There are many reasons to eagerly anticipate the arrival of the Secret Invasion original series. From the limited information that has been released, it is almost guaranteed to be enjoyable and to have tremendous importance within the extended universe.

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