Short Film Recommendation: 'Heck' by Kyle Edward Ball

Heck is a 28-minute horror film directed by Kyle Edward Ball and can be found on the ‘Bitesized Nightmares’ YouTube Channel. This experimental short is the precursor to Ball’s polarising feature-length adaptation, Skinamarink (2023). Though it isn’t for everyone, those with an anxious disposition will find their minds working overtime spying entities that may or […]

Sophie Austen
15th April 2024
Image Source: IMDb
Heck is a 28-minute horror film directed by Kyle Edward Ball and can be found on the ‘Bitesized Nightmares’ YouTube Channel. This experimental short is the precursor to Ball’s polarising feature-length adaptation, Skinamarink (2023).

Though it isn’t for everyone, those with an anxious disposition will find their minds working overtime spying entities that may or may not be residing in the film’s grainy negative space. Heck is shot from a young child’s POV who appears to be alone in his house, calling for his “mommy” only to be met with deafening silence.

As we follow this child around rooms of the unlit home, we are taken back to a primal form of fear. That undiluted terror only felt as a child when you are alone, in an all-consuming sort of dark and silence that makes even your home feel unfamiliar and threatening. What happens when there is no longer any TV, music, or noise to disguise just how alone you really are and just how dark it really is?

When watching, you must watch this short with all the lights out, alone, and volume on full to achieve maximum spooks. How would you react when fact with the purgatorial prospect of eternal isolation?

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