Solo or group travel: Which is better?

A battle of the ages; is it better to travel alone or with others?

Bibi Shanks-Davison
7th April 2024
Image from Pixabay
As someone who is about to embark on a year abroad, I’m aware of the many pros and cons of travelling on your own. Is this experience better than travelling with friends or in a large group? Personally, I find this dilemma not as black and white.

Had I been asked this question a few years ago, I would not hesitate in saying that group travel is the best option. You have friends to enjoy your experiences with, 24/7 support, somebody to split costs with, and memories that you can bring up in the future when meeting them. It’s also no secret that the world can be a dangerous place, so having somebody there with you, where you may be unfamiliar with the place and language, is extremely useful.

On the other hand, solo travel should not be dismissed. Travelling solo can allow self-discovery and self-actualisation. You can really be alone with your thoughts, explore new places at your own pace, indulge in the activities that you love and dedicate more time to yourself. The only part of solo travel that really puts me off sometimes is the fact that unless you have friends or family in the country you are travelling to, you’re on your own. This is particularly dangerous for hiking and skiing trips, for example, where you may get injured and need somebody to help. Although, if you take the right precautions, solo travel can be an amazing journey – you just need to be aware of your surroundings and be smart.

Travelling solo can allow self-discovery and self-actualisation.

Planning a trip as a group can also sometimes be hard work, especially in large groups. It’s also sometimes easy to feel left out and sometimes forced into activities you’re not comfortable with. With solo travel, you don’t need to worry about this – the trip is your own to do whatever you want with – but then again, would it be better to share this experience with some friends?

For me, I offer a compromise – I enjoy being on my own sometimes but I also like experiencing things with friends (not large groups, though – this sounds like a nightmare for me, personally!). The best trips for me are the ones I can share with close friends and family, but also take time to do my own activities.

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